Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Last New Group! - Saturday's Class

It was great to finally teach a group of learners who I know I will be teaching for the remainder of the program. This encouraged me to learn names and engage with the learners in ways that will last over multiple weeks. We taught the learners how to create sentences expressing their abilities and their desires using the verbs "can", "can't", "will", and "won't". This was a good lesson, as it led to a dialog between the teachers and the learners as the learners constructed sentences about what they can do and what they will do. In order to properly define what it means to say, "I will do this," we had a talent show! To a student who said, "I can dance," I asked, "But will you dance for us?" He said he would! He did a wonderful dance for us to some Hindi music. I will try to post the video on the Facebook soon, as it was a really good time! Another student chose to sing after him.

The talent show was wonderful because it encouraged the students to interact and be social. It was wonderful to see everyone open up and enjoy themselves! I hope that we can have meaningful interactions like this with the class in the future.
After this, Alisher led a word game on the board, and I took one group of learners so that we could have the game
ds based off of the words they knew in the game. For example, one student wrote the word "up." This gave me a great opportunity to teach the word "down," and it was easy to do because I knew that this learner already knew the opposite to the word. This relates well to Brookfield's emphasis on using prior knowledge in education.
ng in two places at once. Working with these learners one-on-one was really great, as I was able to give them specific new vocabulary wor

I hope to see all of these learners in this week's class! I remember nearly everyone's name, so one more class should give us all the opportunity to finally know each other!


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